Klára Kapustová

About: Some stuff

Hobbies: Some other stuff

Competitions participated in: STROM

67. place

Best ranking


Solved problems


Attended camps

Percentile by season

The performance of the competitor shown as percentile in the respective season. Your percentile is the percentage of the competitors that scored less points than you, e.g. if you have 75th percentile, you achieved better score than three quarters of your fellow competitors. If you attended multiple competitions, they will be shown in the graph separately.

Last comments

  • Prosím vás mohli by ste mi potvrdiť , že odoslanie mojích riešení prebehlo bez problémov? Meno uživateľa: KlaraKapustova . Na mojom profile sa stále zobrazuje , že som riešenia neodovzdala , čo nie je pravda. Kde mohla nastať chyba?

    Ďakujem, chcem mať istotu.

    KlaraKapustova, March 27, 2017, 3:37 p.m.


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